Gutenberg invented printing, the most consequential invention of the Middle Ages. The technical adventure of Gutenberg is very impressive. The printing press, the paper, the ink... . He manages to assemble all of these items, and to actually print books. Gutenberg tries a new form of layout and introduces a number of other innovations. The visual quality of his printing yields ...
在国外,莫名想看剧情片,看到 这个阵容本来还是有点小期待。结果,哎...很是失望,奇奇怪怪尴尴尬尬,剧情也一言难尽...虽然现在都在拍主旋律都在拍正剧,但也不能这种充数,演员和剧本还是硬功夫。什么时候我们也能拍出那种能够真正吸引人的剧呢?